Transmitting Frequency : 433MHz.
Temp. Station : Indoor 32°F~140°F with 0.2°F resolution. (0°C~60.0°C with 0.1°C resolution).
Temp. Station : Outdoor -21.8°F~157.2°F with 0.2°F
Resolution. (-29.9°C~69.9°C with 0.1°C resolution).
Temp. Accuracy : +1°F (+0.5°C).
Transmitting Range : Maximum 80 feet (25m) open space.
Indoor : Every 60 seconds. Outdoor : Three times in 10min.
Remote Sender : 2 x AAA, 1.5V Temp. : 3 x AAA, 1.5V.
Temp. Station : 2.75 x 0.92 x 4.25in. (excluding table stand) (70 x 23.5 x 108 mm).
Remote Control Sender : 65 x 23 x 71mm.
Battery life : More than ten months.